Hello! Here is information from the parent meeting on 11/19, if you were unable to attend.
NYC trip Itinerary
Student Travel Acknowledgment
Students, if you have not given Mr. Wheeler the name of who you want to room with, please email or talk to him ASAP
There will be two staff members on the trip, Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. Bopray
Each chaperone will be in charge of a group of 4 students
Students will need to check with their teachers about any missing work
You are in charge of getting to the airport (we'll meet you there!)
Meet at the United Airlines check in at 4:00AM, yes AM
You (student) hold on to your own airline tickets as we pass through security
QUESTIONS that were asked at the meeting:
Q: Which Broadway show will we see?
A: We've requested to see The Music Man with Hugh Jackman, but we won't know that one is available for a while.

Q: When will Carnegie Hall tickets go on sale?
A: 60 days prior to the show
Q: If you have relatives in NY, can I go visit them?
A: Only a parent can check out a student from the group
But on the days of the show and rehearsal we must stay together
Q: Can we provide snacks in NY?
A: Only store bought snacks and only if sharing with the whole group
Q: What kind of transportation will we have in New York?
A: Walking or Motor Coach
Q: What is the dress code?
Performance day: all black and robes
Rehearsal day: school appropriate
Touring days: comfortable school appropriate, good walking shoes
Our plan is a second fundraiser in the winter that gained some great success on our last NYC trip: Eileen's Cookie Dough. Look for that one soon!